Tel Aviv-Jaffa love


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  • proper noun Alternative form of Tel Aviv-Yafo.


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  • Ron Huldai, the Mayor of Tel Aviv-Jaffa, called for a secular "rebellion" against ultra-orthodox "ignoramuses," demanding that they teach in their schools "those subjects that every modern country wants all its citizens to possess, so that they can understand the meaning of democracy."

    Noah Efron: Science and Religion: Fighting for Physics in the Holy Land Noah Efron 2010

  • Ron Huldai, the Mayor of Tel Aviv-Jaffa, called for a secular "rebellion" against ultra-orthodox "ignoramuses," demanding that they teach in their schools "those subjects that every modern country wants all its citizens to possess, so that they can understand the meaning of democracy."

    Noah Efron: Science and Religion: Fighting for Physics in the Holy Land Noah Efron 2010

  • Ron Huldai, the Mayor of Tel Aviv-Jaffa, called for a secular "rebellion" against ultra-orthodox "ignoramuses," demanding that they teach in their schools "those subjects that every modern country wants all its citizens to possess, so that they can understand the meaning of democracy."

    Noah Efron: Science and Religion: Fighting for Physics in the Holy Land Noah Efron 2010

  • Ron Huldai, the Mayor of Tel Aviv-Jaffa, called for a secular "rebellion" against ultra-orthodox "ignoramuses," demanding that they teach in their schools "those subjects that every modern country wants all its citizens to possess, so that they can understand the meaning of democracy."

    Noah Efron: Science and Religion: Fighting for Physics in the Holy Land Noah Efron 2010

  • Ron Huldai, the Mayor of Tel Aviv-Jaffa, called for a secular "rebellion" against ultra-orthodox "ignoramuses," demanding that they teach in their schools "those subjects that every modern country wants all its citizens to possess, so that they can understand the meaning of democracy."

    Noah Efron: Science and Religion: Fighting for Physics in the Holy Land Noah Efron 2010

  • Ron Huldai, the Mayor of Tel Aviv-Jaffa, called for a secular "rebellion" against ultra-orthodox "ignoramuses," demanding that they teach in their schools "those subjects that every modern country wants all its citizens to possess, so that they can understand the meaning of democracy."

    Noah Efron: Science And Religion: Fighting For Physics In The Holy Land Noah Efron 2010

  • Ron Huldai, the Mayor of Tel Aviv-Jaffa, called for a secular "rebellion" against ultra-orthodox "ignoramuses," demanding that they teach in their schools "those subjects that every modern country wants all its citizens to possess, so that they can understand the meaning of democracy."

    Noah Efron: Science And Religion: Fighting For Physics In The Holy Land Noah Efron 2010

  • Ron Huldai, the Mayor of Tel Aviv-Jaffa, called for a secular "rebellion" against ultra-orthodox "ignoramuses," demanding that they teach in their schools "those subjects that every modern country wants all its citizens to possess, so that they can understand the meaning of democracy."

    Noah Efron: Science and Religion: Fighting for Physics in the Holy Land Noah Efron 2010

  • Ron Huldai, the Mayor of Tel Aviv-Jaffa, called for a secular "rebellion" against ultra-orthodox "ignoramuses," demanding that they teach in their schools "those subjects that every modern country wants all its citizens to possess, so that they can understand the meaning of democracy."

    Noah Efron: Science And Religion: Fighting For Physics In The Holy Land Noah Efron 2010

  • Ron Huldai, the Mayor of Tel Aviv-Jaffa, called for a secular "rebellion" against ultra-orthodox "ignoramuses," demanding that they teach in their schools "those subjects that every modern country wants all its citizens to possess, so that they can understand the meaning of democracy."

    Noah Efron: Science And Religion: Fighting For Physics In The Holy Land Noah Efron 2010


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